This is an e-mail we received from one of our very good customers:
Hello Paleo fans. A recent visit to the Worthenia site at I-635 and H(ighway)9 revealed to me that the site is rapidly being overgrown by seedlings of the notorious honey locust tree. This is an ominous developement, as this means that in about 2 years the seedlings will form a near impenetrable thicket, complete with long thorns. This site is one of our member`s favorite collecting locations. The site is highly valuable education wise, as it is a fine first collecting site. I first considered returning with a weed eater, but, I think the hardy seedlings would rapidly regrow. Does anyone have a large capacity sprayer they can use? I just have a small unit that won`t finish the job with one filling. I think I would want to do this quickly, as this may not be legal. Please e-mail me, or call me if you can help, or if you have advice. 816-781-5719 Ron