Monday, December 1, 2008

You Mean I Could Be Paid for That?

Hey kids, you know how your mothers and fathers say: "If you work really hard, and study, and don't spend all of your time playing, you could have a really good career"? Parents, you've said that to your kids: I know that I've said it to mine (more than enough, as they will tell you)...

But bearing in mind the popularity of our LEGOTM sets and our Mindstorms NXT sessions at HMS Beagle, here's a link to a story on the BBC News website about a man who makes his living building new LEGO creations. He's one of the designers behind Legoland Windsor, in west London.

It's a fascinating story, and reminds us all that some of the best jobs come from the dreams that we had as kids, including jobs in the sciences... and jobs where you get to spend the day playing with LEGO.

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