Friday, January 15, 2010

High School Students' Science Alliance Update

I've asked David Dunalewicz, our roving high school correspondent / part-time lackey (don't worry, David, I'm a lackey too), to provide his impressions on "how it went", with regard to the High School Students' Science Alliance meeting which was held last Monday. He's provided this assessment:

"The recently formed High School Students' Science Alliance had their very first meeting on January 11th. We had a very nice turnout, and we got a lot decided about how the group will operate in the future. Those in attendance engaged in a discussion on one of the Beagle's favorite scientists-Charles Darwin-and enjoyed a one hour insight into his fascinating life, and how his observations and research completely changed science forever. We are happy to say that this meeting was a very successful start to the Science Alliance, and we look forward to expanding the group in the future."

This being an undertaking largely by-and-for the high school set, it's a Facebook-driven sort of thingy. So be sure to take a look at the HSSSA (surely there's an entertaining acronym there somewhere) group, or to check out the Beagle's own large-looming Facebook entry, and find out what's going on. You can also email us at the Beagle, or check the Beagle's website. After all, it's what all the really cool* kids are doing...

Congratulations to David and everyone involved, and here's to hopes for many more successful meetings to come!

* "cool" here defined as "those who almost definitely will not have a future career involving frozen slabs of ground beef". Not strictly an OED definition, but you get the point.

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